Sunday, January 19, 2020

12 Suicidal Teens (2019 Japanese Film)

Image courtesy of asianwikiDear Entertainment Diary,     I’m back, and this time I have watched a Japanese Film that is very worth watching for! It’s been so long that I cannot remember the last time a film so great had given me goosebumps. Guess what? This film gave it to me! It was so satisfying I even cried at the last part.     This film gave so many chills and it really gave us such a good outlook in life. It is a film about teens who wanted to do a group suicide because of the problems/burdens they each carry inside. Burdens such as diseases/incurable sicknesses, being bullied, experiencing the loss of loved...

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Re:Zero Starting Life in Another World (2016 anime)

Image courtesy of Dear Entertainment Diary,      How are you? Well, gee, I’m sick. Just caught a virus during the holidays but I’m fine now. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, by the way.  This sickness made me not to go to work for three days so during my boredom, I started to find an anime on Netflix and this Re:Zero caught my attention. Who wouldn’t be intrigued with such an opening scene like Future Diary and Hugurashi No Naku Koro Ni. It opened up with someone being killed. Lol      It’s a story of a boy who got sucked in on a game (well, there are saved points so go figure...) and dies over...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Escape Room (2019 Film)

Source: Dear Entertainment Diary, How are youuuuu? I missed blogging, really, I missed it! Been busy for a very long time but here I am again, currently a Netflix subscriber and can’t even easily decide what movies or shows to choose. Escape Room. Hmmn, before I watched it on Netflix, I posted a screenshot of it on facebook and asked my friends if it is any good or not. Guess what? No one even replied. Lol Well, apparently, for me, this film kind of sucks in terms of acting (not that I am good at it) but there are just some scenes where I can’t even connect to those certain parts of the film. Although, the story...

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Attack On Titan - Live Action (2015 Japanese Film)

Image courtesy of Dear Entertainment Diary, I know many of us are great fans of the hit anime Shingeki No Kyojin/ Attack on Titans. Well, I've watched it couple of years back and I've got to say it kicked ass even though it's not yet finished and let us hanging in the brink of desperation to know what comes next after Annie hid in her crystal shell like thingy. (read the manga, ok?) In this case, Attack On Titan (live-Action) has its own definition. Meaning, it did not remain true to the manga/anime, but is kind of good in its own way, Lots and lost of scenes and background stories were very crucially different vs...

Monday, July 20, 2015

It Follows (2015 US Film)

Image courtesy of Dear Entertainment Diary, So last night, alone in my room, I've watched the film hailed as the Horror Movie of The Year (so far), It Follows, or should I call it "I'll transfer this curse to you so I can live a peaceful life but nahhhh", Over all, I was impressed of the acting. I kind of like the story but the ending, not so much. I felt that it should not end like that. What happened to the FOLLOWer? Then I thought, I'll just wait for the sequel. I hope there is. The film tells a story of a girl being followed by this ghost who can shape shift ever since she had sex with this lame ole guy with...

Ao haru Ride / Blue Spring Ride (2014 Anime)

Image Courtesy of Dear Entertainment Diary, I'm back! And this time, to write about a good anime with so many themes and lessons to learn and teach our heart which can be used in our daily lives, So, it's title is Ao Haru Ride / Blue Spring Ride in English, which is all about love, friendship, family, and friends. It shows so many different characters and emotions, and shows some events that can really happen to someone. It merely tells about the lost relationship between two of the five protagonists of the series, Futaba Yoshioka and Kou Mabuchi. They actually mutually felt love for each other during middle school...

Saturday, July 04, 2015

Breathe In. Breathe Out. ( 2015 Hilary Duff Album)

Dear Entertainment Diary, It's been so long since I've last posted. Sorry guys, got so busy with my work. Anyways, right now, I've been busy, also, in listening to Hilary's latest Album, Breathe In. Breathe Out, which was released last June and God, the tracks make my heart dance! Tattoo (co written by a genius named Ed Sheeran) and Rebel Hearts were the ones that got my attention so bad, I always put it on repeat! Hilary's voice got a lil bigger but I can still hear the beauty in her voice that got my insides a lil tingly in a positive way. Those guitar sounds plus them beats make this album perfect to hear/listen to...
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